Thursday, March 31, 2011


Wow, lame dah aq x update blogger ni, Nak tau x ? Aq dah dapat KAWAN yang berguna, susah senang bersame, TAK MAKAN KAWAN. Kawan mcm ni la yg aq cari dari dulu, sekarang aq dah jumpe, die banyak tolong aq kalau aq dlm kesusahan, kalau dulu aq dah kene tipu dengan KAWANBAEK aq sendiri, aq harap bende tu xkan berulang lagi.

Aq sentiase perlu kan kawan, tanpe kawan susah untok aq hadapi cabaran dalam hidop, Tanpa kawan aq mungkin x dapat bersabar dalam segale masalah. Aq akan jage kawan-kawan aq baekbaek. Aq taknak jadi kawan yang tak berguna.

Kawan yang baek xkan rampas seseorang yang aq cinta, tapi die akan bantu aq untok memiliki nya. Cukop lah sekali aq disakiti oleh kawan. Cukop lah sekali aq kehilangan orang yang aq cinta.


Aq - Aduka ikmal
Kawan baek - Ashraf rahimi
Kawan makan kawan - ***
orang yg aq cinta - ****


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

All about LIFE.

Life is every where
Life is a challenge
Life is a gift

Life is a chance
Life is a tragedy
Life is lonely
Life is pain

Life is full of frustration
Life is a mystery
Life is love
Life is made of hurt

Life is not a bed of roses
Life is a dance for you to dance
Life is every state of mind
What is life?

Life is a puzzle, solve it
Life is full of unexpected
Life is unexplainable


Monday, March 14, 2011


dah tibe mase nye untok aq terime kenyataan.
patot nye dari dulu aq patot buat mcm ni.
tapi baru sekarang baru aq boleh terime :)
korang mmg sweet couple :)

Monday, March 7, 2011

I love you but i hate him.

I love you but i hate him becouse he love you.
I love you but i hate him becouse you love him.
I love you but i hate him becouse he is my bestfriend.
I love you but i hate him becouse he take you away.
I love you but i hate him becouse everything.
I love you but i hate him becouse i love you more than everything.

I love you becouse of nothing.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

This poem just for you.

All you need to know is that you are beautiful
In my eyes at least
I fell in love with you a long time ago
But you never fell back
So never say
Nobody loves me and no one ever will
Cause I do and I have

Some people say I need to give up on you
Your eyes will never fall upon me
In that special way
They fall upon her
But I can never say never to you
I can't give up just yet
Not today and not tomorrow

You love him and he loves her
Love can play a sick game with your heart
Trust in me because I know it well
You can't give it up without regrets
But all you can do is give up and wait for your time
I have waited long enough
So get in line now so I can have you

You don't see me in the same light as him
I am nothing like him and I know that
I hope you realize that he is playing a game
Where you are going to get hurt
Just step back and look at this picture
See what is really happening
Who is hurting from your ignorance

Leaving him behind is painful I know
This is your first, but just know not your last
Please don't weep, I couldn't take it
Come to me as a friend, something I never want to be to you
But please come and rest on me
Because I am always there for you
Because I'm hiding my love for you. :)

This poem just for you.

In my room, I sit and stare,I look at you, but your not there, My heart has been beaten, so many times, Why does life, have to be so unfair. With one more breath, I would tell you with my last, I have broken the spell you cast, I have changed but for the better, Well, That is my love letter.


Hari² aq maen gitar, x pernah rase jemu. Bnyk kenangan aq bermain gitar, :) maen gitar adalah salah satu hobi aq. Bile aq g jamming, aq akan maen gitar dgn penuh perasaan pade lagu yg aq maen. Bnyk kali aq nanges mase maen gitar, bnyk kali aq ketawa mase maen gitar, bnyk kali aq marah mase maen gitar, bnyk kali aq happy mase maen gitar, bnyk kali aq salah mase maen gitar. Hari² gitar teman kan aq kalau aq kesepian,

Terime Kasih gitar ku kerana sudi menemani ku :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

slash !

Wohoho ! slah ni idola aq ! cite² aq nk jadi mcm die kalau boleh, haha ! :)
pemain guitar no. 1 dunia. Xde sape dapat pecah rekod die buat mase ni. Kalau nk tengok die maen search la kt youtube. :) mmg die yg terbaek !